Winfield's Donut Tractor
It's About More Than Just The Donuts

If you’ve camped at the fairgrounds during the Walnut Valley Festival you know the sound of the “Donut Tractor”. If you have kids, they’ve likely drug you out of bed with all the fervor of Christmas morning, for fear the tractor may go by before they get there. And it does feel a little bit like Christmas, only instead of Santa bringing presents, it’s the Winfield Masonic Lodge #110 selling donuts, coffee, orange juice, and milk.
The tractor serves as an alarm clock for many camping at the festival and an easy breakfast during their stay. It has become such a part of the camping experience that in 2018, songwriter Noah Musser wrote the song “Donut Tractor” which won him the category of “Songs About WVF” in the NewSong Showcase. For some it’s a first cup of coffee while their pot is brewing or a “snack” to satisfy younger campers until a more substantial breakfast can be cooked. For others (especially young tractor-loving campers or exhausted parents), they make sure they get a new donut or coffee refill every time the tractor passes by until their belly is full!
Beyond the coffee and donuts, campers enjoy sharing stories of family members who are involved in the Masons, expressing their gratitude for the services of the Shriner’s Hospital, or just admiring the antique tractors as they pass through the campgrounds.
As enjoyable as it is to mingle with the campers, selling donuts is serious business for the Masons. The “Donut Tractor” is one of the three main fundraising efforts for the Lodge, with the other two being concession stands held at the Cowley County Fair and the K&O Steam & Gas Engine Show. Money raised from these events allow the Masons to invest financially in the future of their communities. The Winfield Lodge #110 has used money they’ve raised to make donations to Eagles Nest, Blue Santa, ABATE Toy Run, Winfield Food Pantry, and Kansas Masonic Home. The Lodge also sponsors an annual scholarship for local High School Seniors and scholarships for the Kansas Masonic All-State High School Marching Band Camp.
If you are interested in becoming a Mason or have questions about their activities, they can be reached at (620) 221–0109.